Office of College Events

The Office of College Events offers a wide variety of event services to the Albertus Magnus College community including space reservation, guidance on event development and promotion, and coordination with ITS, facilities and food service.  Contact: Carolyn Behan Kraus ’86, Executive Director. 

When planning an event, ask yourself these questions:

  • Who is my target audience?
  • Does this event support the College’s Mission?
  • Does this event adhere to the Albertus brand standard?
  • Do I have the budget funds available?

Tips for a successful event:

  • Register your event (and request planning assistance if needed) with the Office of College Events.
  • Engage campus services such as facilities, ITS, and catering as early as possible.
  • If your event involves a speaking program, draft a script.
  • Develop a “Run of Show” (a timeline/sequence of events).
  • Schedule a walk through with facilities to check your event set up.
  • Schedule a rehearsal with participants and, if applicable, a technology rehearsal.
  • Follow the College’s Covid-19 Guidelines including contact tracing and CampusClear.
  • Have fun!
  • Conduct a post event meeting to evaluate your event.